A Trailblazer in Medical Sciences

Drumroll please! HLMA is honored to announce that Prof. Dennis Y. Lo (盧煜明) would join Prof. David D. Ho (何大一), Director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center at Columbia University, on stage for a panel discussion on Aug 26. Known as “the Father of Non-invasive Prenatal Testing”, Prof. Lo’s pioneering prenatal testing technology has opened new doors globally for early detection on Down syndrome and a variety of genetic diseases. Currently serving as the Director of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prof. Lo's expertise has led to innovations in non-invasive tests for cancer detection, including the screening of early-stage nasopharyngeal cancer.

Join us on Aug 26 and be a part of this provocative panel discussion with Prof. Lo and Prof. Ho. For more information and registration, please visit: